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Classical Painting Atelier Pdf Free Download

Sped up preview of Video 24. Demonstration #7, Assignment 6: Extended Still Life. This still life encorporates ebauche, full body paint block-in, and glazing to achieve the finished results.

Academy Promo.  This longer promotional video features actual speed footage of various demonstrations throughout the bundles. Each demonstration is shown at three stages of development.

Classical Painting Bundle

The Classical Painting Bundle is a remote atelier program, loaded with tools a student needs to build their skills in realist painting.  The included textbook offers a curriculum of assignments used in the atelier, as well as the recommended order to progress through each to maximize learning.  Over 100 hours of video cover materials, painting processes, paint application techniques, color theory/mixing, and fully completed assignments.  An accompanying catalog offers high resolution images of each completed demonstration.  The quick start guide gets you rolling right away.  Everything you need to jump into an atelier education is now at your fingertips.  If you've mastered the content of the Classical Drawing Bundle, you're ready to go.

The CPB is a complete remote atelier painting program!

supply list

To get ahead on the supplies needed for the Painting course, click HERE.

Are there any landscape videos included in the bundle?

Currently there are no landscape demonstration videos in the bundle, but course content is continually being gathered, edited, and prepped for distribution.  This includes additional recommended exercises, additional glazing videos, landscape videos, and more. When new content is available, those who have purchased content will be contacted to determine the best means of distribution.  This can include dropbox, exclusive YouTube access, or USB flash drive provided and shipped at cost.

Can I buy the videos individually?

Unfortunately, the way the content has been edited and voiced-over, each video relies on knowledge learned, and refers to information, in videos that preceed them.  As such, they are unsuitable for individual distribution and would likely cause confusion.  We are considering a re-editing process to provide individual videos for distribution, but the massive undertaking of work involved will likely run close to 2 years.  Currently ReesAteliermedia is focused on other projects, such as a newer enhanced Drawing Textbook, additional patch content to the Classical Painting Bundle, and projects with Streamline Video.

Sped up preview of Video 42, Demonstration #20, Assignment 8: Extended Portrait.  This video gives the viewer a glimpse into an Academic method of utilizing an ebauche method to begin.

Atelier Video Set

1.  Quick start guide and FAQ

2. External hard drive loaded with High Definition videos (100 hours), demonstration images, and reference images

3. Textbook:  Academy: Classical Painting Course

4. Catalog of high resolution demonstration images

5. Rosemary & Co newsletter and brushes

6. Michael Harding paint color guide and paint sample

Each bundle comes with 100 hours of video content.  This includes 20 assignment introductions, 17 lectures, and 21 demonstrations.  Most demonstration videos are shot in 1080HD and lectures and assignment introductions are shot in 720.  Each demonstration video has been sped up (when needed) to be around 3-5 hours in length with instruction voiced over, but the original (soundless) clips are also included, if there is ever a need for the student to see the development of a painting in actual speed. Longer demonstration voice overs feature artist Timothy Rees with one or two additional students, which helps to add a student perspective and questions to the lessons. See below for a complete list and gallery of video demonstration images. All videos are loaded onto an external hard drive formatted to either Mac or Windows.



quick start


Classical Painting Bundle

Unlike the drawing textbook, the painting textbook was built from the ground up, after the completion of the videos, and thus incorporates many of their elements.  It includes the assignment curriculum used in the atelier (a brief description of each assignment), course competency guidelines (criteria for demonstrating understanding that warrants progression), concepts and techniques (notes from some of the video lessons), a step-by-step breakdown of each of the video demonstrations in the Classical Painting Bundle, as well as dozens of other illustrations, pictures, and smaller step-by-steps to illustrate concepts.  Learn more HERE .

To allow students to see a closer proximity of the finished demonstrations, a catalog has been included in each bundle.  The images have been color/value calibrated, and are on high quality glossy paper.  Students are encouraged to keep the catalog open to use as a reference while completing their own assignments, or to copy the drawings to gain a better understanding of technique.  Classical Painting Course: The Demonstrations measures 8.5x11" and can be purchased separately HERE .

This small booklet gets the ball rolling with a brief overview of how to use the course, a slew of frequently asked questions, a troubleshooting guide to help out with any potential computer issues, and a comprehensive list of all the videos loaded onto the hard drive. Feel free to download the Quickstart Guide PDF HERE.

While the Classical Painting Bundle follows a very similar structure and assignment subjects to the Classical Drawing Bundle , it has a fundamental difference.  After the first set of assgnments (which describe fundamental concepts/techniques), each of the assignment demonstrations are completed in slightly different ways.  With so many different ways to paint, the bundle exploits the massive amount of videos to do paintings with different combinations of starting methods, application techniques, and finishes. An expanded, in-depth textbook organizes these stylistic differences, as well as breaks each demonstration into a step-by-step abrigment of the videos.  One of the main concepts promoted in this bundle is that the student should find a master artist (past or present) who represents the aesthetic they would like to strive for, then utilize the videos/book to determine the combination of processes and/or techniques needed to create that aesthetic.  While all videos will have a plethora of information on each topic, it is critical that students pay special attention to those demonstrations targeting their preferred working method.  Through careful study of the work you want to create, the Classical Painting Bundle will help you be the one to create it!

Bundle Contents

Click on a demonstration image to see it larger. High resolution images are loaded onto an external hard drive (along with reference photos when available), and a 12 page catalog of high quality images is included in the bundle.


Absolutely no painting experience is needed to jump into the Classical Painting Bundle, though it is HIGHLY recommended that students have very high drawing skills and/or complete the Classical Drawing Bundle.  When addressing viewers in the videos, it is assumed that they have competency in measuring, anatomical knowledge, and understanding of shape/value/edge.  There is almost always a reduction of the quality of drawing accuracy when one tries to paint, so those that no longer struggle over making accurate drawings will assimilate the knowlege of the painting course much more easily.  If drawing skills have been sufficiently built, the CPB will teach a variety of reliable processes that breeds consistent high quality results, with loads of technical information on materials, color, paint application, and more.  You may start a beginner, but progress through the program and you will know more than you thought possible.

I have no painting experience- is this right for me?

I have some atelier experience- will this still be useful? Do I still need to do each assignment in the program?

With so much information packed into the program, it's unlikely a student who has attended an atelier won't learn loads of new things.  For those with experience (who have run through open/closed grisaille), we recommend at least watching the first term videos, then advancing to watch/complete second and third term content.  Each of the videos rests on the premise that the viewer has watched and understands all previous videos, so missing even a small amount could potentially lead to confusion or misunderstanding later on.

Do I need to work from life for the assignments?

While it is always recommended to work from life whenever possible, it's more than understandable that this is not always feasible- the cost can be very high, and those living in remote areas do not always have access to models.  If needed, work from life whenever possible, then supplement with photos.  It is recommended that students copy supplied demonstration drawings, and if needed work from the supplied references used in the demonstrations to produce a painting of equivalent quality.

Will an atelier painting program produce paintings of the same style?

It's possible, but with the Classical Painting Bundle it is hightly unlikely. Style in painting is a combination of many things: (most notably) decisions about simplification vs. complexity, paint application techniques, color choices, focal length decision, and design.  These choices, combined with a preferred process and particular materials being used, create the aesthetic of an artist.  If many students are studying under an artist or in an atelier that relies on the same solutions to each of these elements, students will likely adopt these solutions and produce work of the same aesthetic.  In the Classical Painting Bundle, however, the atelier mold is broken by introducting students to a variety of different solutions and processes, but all relying on the tenets of realism. It is unlikely that students following this program will all settle on the same decisions/processes/materials, and as such is unlikely to mirror the aesthetic of others using the program.  At the same time, it is important to recognize the danger of becoming too liberal in applying different solution combinations to paintings during the learning process.  To learn most effectively, study ONE set of decision/processes/materials until strong skill sets are developed, then begin to slowly study and incorporate others.  The set to start with is entirely up to the student.  Jumping around styles too frequently early on inhibits growth, as a student is never able to master one method to rely on, and instead must essentially "relearn" how to paint each time a switch is made.

How long should it take to work through the painting video set/assignments?

For a student to take full advantage of the program and work each assignment to its highest level of quality, it should take at least a year or two (sometimes more) working around full time 30-40 hours per week.  The curriculum described in the textbook represents the accelerated, part time program originally taught at Scottsdale Artists' School, where students attended class 7 hours per week, worked from the model in open studios around 6 hours per week, and worked at home 15-30 hours per week.  As such, some of the demonstrations represent a volume of completion keyed to the amount of in-class working time available. For those wanting to master the content of the program, it is suggested to instead work on each assignment for however long is necessary to master the content, rather than adhering to the tight timetables listed in the textbook.

I just want to paint still life, should I still do all the figurative/portrait assignments?

Historically, the figure was considered the most challenging of subjects.  It forced the students to not only recall knowledge of a subject, but also trained their eye to detect subtlety of form changes, mix the finest variations in color, and adapt to working from a potentially moving subject.  As such, the study of the portrait/figure is an integral aspect of the Classical Painting Bundle.  While there is no reason to abandon your favorite subjects, completing the assignment will certainly help you advance your abilities in all aspects of painting.

$495 + shipping

Technical Info:   All videos are loaded onto a 1 TB external hard drive.  Hard drives connect to a computer via a USB 3.0 cable (backwards compatible with USB 2.0 computers), and must be formatted to MAC (macOS journaled) or Windows (NTFS).  Please specify upon checkout the operating system being used for faster delivery.  Computer must be able to play standard mp4 files (Quicktime or Windows Media Player are common players that play mp4).

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